Seminole County Real Estate Report 4-29-20

Can you still buy or sell a home during COVID-19? Absolutely! Here are the steps we are taking to ensure your health and safety!

Can You Still Buy and Sell Homes During COVID-19?

buy a home during corona

If you are looking to buy a home or sell your current one, but not sure if you can during COVID-19, you are not alone. This is new territory for everyone and we as a country are adapting as we go. It can be tricky to navigate the do’s and don’ts of Corona, so I want to take a minute and explain how my team and I are operating during these times to best serve you.

Can I Buy a Home or Sell My House During COVID-19?

Absolutely! Real estate is an essential business which means that Realtors are allowed to keep operating as long as they comply with best practices set forth by the CDC. Steps we are taking to ensure your safety include:

  • Adhering to keeping 6 feet between ourselves and our clients at all times.
  • Having Lysol wipes handy and diligently wiping down surfaces throughout the day.
  • Every team member wears gloves.
  • Having plenty of paper towels and hand soap on hand.
  • Always having a sanitation kit handy.
  • Handling as much paperwork digitally as possible to minimize in-person contact.

One big concern that buyers have is going through homes and not knowing who has been there before them. On the other hand, the seller worries about potential buyers touring the home and not knowing if someone may be a carrier of the virus. Both of these are warranted concerns and can make both parties hesitant to begin the buying and/or selling process.

Virtual Video Tours

For clients who would prefer not to tour homes in person or have potential buyers come to their home, we offer virtual video tours. Virtual video tours allow you to see the home as if you were really there without physically visiting the property. As a seller, interested buyers will view the video as opposed to coming to your home.

Do Not Put Your Dreams on Hold!

There is no need to wait if you are interested in buying or selling a home. Here at Gitta Sells, our team is here to help you make the process enjoyable and hassle-free. Feel free to contact me with any and all questions you may have. This is Gitta. Until next week, stay safe!

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